The Future of the Church…is Bright
One can worry about what is happening the church locally or world-wide and become depressed and anxious, but when we consider the church we need to remember it’s future is bright!
Feb 19 2012
The Future of the Church…is Bright
One can worry about what is happening the church locally or world-wide and become depressed and anxious, but when we consider the church we need to remember it’s future is bright!
Feb 12 2012
The Beauty of Grey Hair (Prov. 20:29)
Rather than looking down on older people we need to recognize they have much to offer.
Feb 05 2012
Godly People In A Godless World
Daniel records for us the lives and challenges four Hebrew youths would face in Babylon. Their challenges are similar to ones we may face today so what can we learn from them.
Jan 29 2012
Preaching Christ (Acts 8 )
When one looks at this record of the activities of the early church, we find them busy in proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ; specifically consider the different ways this is spoken of.
Jan 22 2012
The Heart of Paul
Looking at Paul’s heart (his emotion) one can see what he treasured (cf. Matt. 6:21)—he loved others, especially his brethren in Christ, loved the truth, and loved God and such is evident by his tears.
Jan 15 2012
O For A Faith That Will Not Shrink
The result of exercising our spiritual senses unto discernment (cf. Heb. 5:14) should be spiritual growth/maturity that will be seen in our faith, a faith that will not shrink but rather is one that is pleasing to God.
Jan 08 2012
Exercising Our Senses Unto Discernment (Heb. 5:14)
Just as our physical senses can be trained and made more alert, so our spiritual senses must be trained to discern good and evil.
Jan 01 2012
Christian Resolve (1 Cor. 15:58)
Having reminded the Corinthians of the hope and assurance they have in Christ Jesus, Paul asks them to make this resolution, which hopefully we will all make as Christians in the new year and in each new day.
Dec 25 2011
Gifts I Am Thankful For
At a time of year especially known for thankfulness, loving-kindness, and the giving of gifts, I want to reflect on some things that I have been particularly thankful for in this past year with an emphasis on encouraging them even more in the New Year…
Dec 18 2011
Overcoming Discouragement (1 Kings 18)
Elijah was a great man of God but being a man of life passions (James 5:17) even he would face discouragement in his life. He had just had one of the greatest victories of his life (1 Kings 17) but now he is discouraged and ready …