Category: PM

Letter To Pergamos (6/17/12 PM)

Letter to Pergamos (Revelation 2:12-17)

A church should maintain doctrinal purity.

This congregation receives no criticism but is encouraged and reminded of the need for faithfulness in spite of trial.

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Letter to Smyrna (6/10/12 PM)

Letter to Smyrna (Revelation 2:8-11)

A church should be faithful in persecution.

This congregation receives no criticism but is encouraged and reminded of the need for faithfulness in spite of trial.

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Letter To Ephesus (6/3/12 PM)

Letter to Ephesus (Revelation 2:1-7)

A church should maintain its first love.

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Remember (5/27/12 – PM)

Remember (2 Peter 1)

We are overwhelmed with information in our lives but there are certain things we can’t afford to forget.

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The Blessing Of Being In God’s Family (5/23/12 PM – Wayne Jones)

The Blessing Of Being In God’s Family

Presented by Wayne Jones as part of our 2012 Spring Gospel Meeting, “Fortifying The Family”

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The Life of Saul (5/23/12 Class – Wayne Jones)

The Life of Saul

Presented by Wayne Jones as part of our 2012 Spring Gospel Meeting, “Fortifying The Family”

Parenting Like God (5/22/12 PM – Wayne Jones)

Parenting Like God

Presented by Wayne Jones as part of our 2012 Spring Gospel Meeting, “Fortifying The Family”

God Hates Divorce (5/21/12 PM – Wayne Jones

God Hates Divorce

Presented by Wayne Jones as part of our 2012 Spring Gospel Meeting, “Fortifying The Family”


Building Our Altars & Pitching Our Tents (5/20/12 PM – Wayne Jones)

Building Our Altars & Pitching Our Tents

Presented by Wayne Jones as part of our 2012 Spring Gospel Meeting, “Fortifying The Family”

Let Us… Part 2 (5/6/12 PM)

Let Us… (Part 2; Hebrews)

The writer continues to exhort the reader to continue on with renewed effort in these final eight “let us” exhortations:

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