Category: PM

Is There Not A Cause (12/16/12 PM)

Is There Not A Cause? (Part 1)

This is a question we should ask today when God, His truth, His church, and His people are attacked.

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Barnabas: A Model Christian (12/9/12 PM)

Barnabas: A Model Christian

Here is a man that played a vital role in the first century church; he was not perfect (Gal. 2:13) but was highly praised (11:24) and worthy of imitation (Phil. 3:17; 1 Cor. 11:1).

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For Such A Time As This (12/02/12 PM)

For Such A Time As This (Esther 4:14)

Esther was given a charge that perhaps she was in the time, place, and position she was to help with the problems of that time. We certainly don’t always like the situations we are in, but we can similarly use the opportunities available …

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When David Faced Death (11/25/12 PM)

When David Faced Death (2 Samuel 12:22-23)

Some lessons and comfort from David when we face the death of those we love…

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Lessons From Ezekiel (11/18/12 PM)

Lessons From Ezekiel

Timeless lessons from Ezekiel that we still need to heed today.

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What Is Important? (11/11/12 PM – Johnny McCaghren)

What Is Important?

Guest Speaker, Johnny McCaghren

Adorning The Doctrine (11/4/12 PM)

Adorning The Doctrine (Titus 2:10)

Do people see in our lives the effects of the beautiful gospel of Christ? By the way we live are they attracted to the gospel? Let us give diligence to adorning the doctrine of God!

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A Living Hope (10/28/12 PM)

A Living Hope (1 Peter 1:3-5)

Peter praises God for the hope that we have as Christians even in the midst of suffering.

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The Crucifixion of Christ (10/21/12 PM – Brian Makuta)

The Crucifixion of Christ

Guest Speaker, Brian Makuta, talks about the crucifixion of Christ.

How Shall The Young Secure Their Hearts? (10/14/12 PM)

How Shall The Young Secure Their Hearts?

This hymn, written by Isaac Watts, reminds us of the need to direct our paths by the word of God even from an early age. He masterfully uses the text of Psalm 119 to highlight these truths.

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