Category: PM

The Inconsistency of Balaam (7/28/13 PM)

The Inconsistency of Balaam (Numbers 23:10)

Sadly Balaam “talked the talk but did not walk the walk”; may we learn to talk and walk as God would have us to.

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The Preaching of John (7/21/13 PM)

The Preaching of John

John came as the forerunner for Jesus, to prepare the way for Him with a powerful message that got results (Matt. 3:1-6).

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Listening (7/14/13 PM – James Fuller)

Listening – James Fuller

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Steps on the Path to Denial (7/7/13 PM)

Steps On The Path To Denial (Matthew 26)

By looking at events in Peter’s life that may have contributed to his denial of Jesus, maybe we can avoid similar situations in our own lives.

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The Righteous Dead (6/30/13 PM – Tom Wilcox)

The Righteous Dead by Tom Wilcox

What is the state of the righteous who have died?

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Ananias and Sapphira (6/23/13 PM)

Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5: 1-11)

We can learn much from those recorded in Bible, even “negative examples” in which we learn not to follow their mistakes; such are these two—both to the early church and today.

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Love Yourself (6/9/13 PM)

Love Yourself

It seems odd to speak of loving yourself when so often we think of the need for humility and the danger of pride; yet to be the person God desires us to be, there must be a healthy love for self.

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Turn Away (6/2/13 PM)

Turn Away

ἐκκλιμνω or ekklino, means to deviate, shun, avoid, or go out of the way (Strong’s); it is used three times within the New Testament giving us instruction on how we should live our lives.

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Have You Forgotten…? (5/26/13 PM)

Have You Forgotten…?

It is easy to become forgetful and put things out of our minds but some things we can’t afford to forget.

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Esther, Beauty from Within (5/19/13 PM)

Esther, Beauty from Within

Esther shows us a true beauty of character that we should seek to imitate in our lives.

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