Category: PM

A Psalm of Life (10/6/13 PM)

A Psalm of Life (Psalm 71)

This is a beautiful psalm of one who recognizes his dependency on God throughout life, and now as an aged person, still trusts in Him. His prayer is that God would continue to be with him and that he would both praise God and proclaim …

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A Soul’s Longing For God (9/29/13 PM)

A Soul’s Longing For God (Psalm 63)

A reminder that God is the satisfaction for the hungry and thirsty soul (Matt. 5:6).

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Jesus Sees (9/22/13 PM)

Jesus Sees (Revelation 2-3)

To the church in a time of persecution and hardships, they needed to be reminded that Jesus saw. He saw their troubles and He saw how they were living…hopefully this would encourage some and awaken others.

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Acceptable Sacrifice (9/8/13 PM)

Acceptable Sacrifice (Psalm 50)

God calls all the earth to witness His judgment against both the godly and the ungodly and reminds them what He expects from them.

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Time Stewards (9/1/13 PM)

Time Stewards (Eph. 5:15-17)

We are stewards of everything God places within our hands; this includes the time spent in this life; how will we use it?

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Fret Not (8/25/13 PM)

Fret Not (Psalm 37)

Worry not over the perceived prosperity of the wicked for God abundantly blesses the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.

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Wait On The Lord (8/18/13 PM)

Wait On The Lord (Psalm 27)

In spite of the circumstances of life, the psalmist would patiently, determinedly, and confidently wait on the Lord.

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What Will You Do? (8/13/13 PM)

What Will You Do?

The conclusion of our 2013 Summer Youth Series Significant Lessons from “Insignificant” People. While those who are barely mentioned in the Bible may have been insignificant to the world, they were both significant and useful to God…we can do the same.

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Sowing and Reaping (8/11/13 PM)

Sowing and Reaping (Galatians 6:7)

This verse well summarizes the warnings of the whole book; all need to realize there are consequences to the choices and actions we make in this life, especially spiritual ones.

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Christ Formed In Us (8/4/13 PM)

Christ Formed In Us (Galatians 4:19)

What Paul desired for the Christians should be our goal as well.

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