Category: PM

Admonition to Teachers, Part 2 (6/1/14 PM)

Epistle of James – Admonition to Teachers, Part 2

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The Relationship of Faith and Works (5/18/14 PM)

The Epistle of James – The Relationship of Faith and Works (James 2:14-26)

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What Must I Do To Be Saved (5/14/14 PM – Loy Mitchell)

2014 Spring Gospel Meeting With Loy Mitchell: What Must I Do To Be Saved

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The Church Jesus Built (5/13/14 PM – Loy Mitchell)

2014 Spring Gospel Meeting With Loy Mitchell: The Church Jesus Built

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Jesus Christ Is The Answer (5/12/14 PM – Loy Mitchell)

2014 Spring Gospel Meeting With Loy Mitchell: Jesus Christ Is The Answer

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The Destructiveness of Sin (5/11/14 PM – Loy Mitchell)

2014 Spring Gospel Meeting With Loy Mitchell: The Destructiveness of Sin

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Sin of Respect of Persons, Part 2 (5/4/14 PM)

The Epistle of James – The Sin of Respect of Persons, Part 2 (James 2:8-13)

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James: Our Attitude Toward The Word (4/20/14 PM)

The Epistle of James: Our Attitude Toward The Word

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James: The Gifts of God, Part 2 (4/13/14 PM)

The Epistle of James: The Gifts of God, Part 2

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The Epistle of James: The Gifts of God, Part 1 (4/6/14 PM)

Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5: 1-11)

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The Epistle of James—The Gifts of God 1:1-18—Part 1

  1. Theme: How to live through trials
  2. The Christian Attitude Toward Suffering (1:2-4)
    • “Count it all joy” – James begins with a very difficult admonition. Joy when bad things happen?
    • “Various trials” – …

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