Category: Sermons

Exercising Our Senses Unto Discernment (1/8/12 PM)

Exercising Our Senses Unto Discernment (Heb. 5:14)

Just as our physical senses can be trained and made more alert, so our spiritual senses must be trained to discern good and evil.

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God’s Creation (1/8/12 AM)

God’s Creation (Genesis 1)

Genesis, meaning origin or beginning, is an inspired, historical account of a number of beginnings that fittingly starts with the very beginning of creation. Let’s see what we can learn from this account.

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Christian Resolve (1/1/2012 PM)

Christian Resolve (1 Cor. 15:58)

Having reminded the Corinthians of the hope and assurance they have in Christ Jesus, Paul asks them to make this resolution, which hopefully we will all make as Christians in the new year and in each new day.

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Delve Into God’s Word In 2012 (1/1/12 AM)

Delve Into God’s Word in 2012

In introducing the Bible Study Program I am encouraging you to follow this year, consider the charge that Paul gave to Timothy (2 Tim. 2:15) :

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Gifts I Am Thankful For (12/25/11 PM)

Gifts I Am Thankful For

At a time of year especially known for thankfulness, loving-kindness, and the giving of gifts, I want to reflect on some things that I have been particularly thankful for in this past year with an emphasis on encouraging them even more in the New Year…

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Redemption’s Story (12/25/11 AM)

Redemption’s Story

The Bible is an inspired account of history, specifically from beginning to end it tells the story of God’s love for man and His desire for man’s redemption. It is a story that Peter summarizes in 1 Pet. 2:24, a story that revolves around a man, a plan, and …

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Overcoming Discouragement (12/18/11 PM)

Overcoming Discouragement (1 Kings 18)

Elijah was a great man of God but being a man of life passions (James 5:17) even he would face discouragement in his life. He had just had one of the greatest victories of his life (1 Kings 17) but now he is discouraged and ready …

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Asked Not Counsel At The Mouth Of The Lord (12/18/11 AM)

“Asked Not Counsel At The Mouth Of The Lord” (Joshua 9:14)

In the midst of great success, Israel showed a great lack of wisdom that sadly many still make today.

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Fellowship (12/11/11 PM)

Fellowship (1 John 1:3-10)

John presents fellowship as something that is desirable and attainable; he wants fellowship with them and this is part of his reason for writing.

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Points On Prayer (12/11/11 AM)

Points on Prayer (James 5:13-18)

James is a very practical book on living the Christian life; it should come as no surprise then that he speaks of prayer.

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