Category: Sermons

Rejoice In Every Good Thing Which The Lord Thy God Hath Given Thee (7/29/12 AM)

Rejoice In Every Good Thing Which The Lord Thy God Hath Given Thee

In bringing their firstfruit offerings, the Jews were to express thanks to God.

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Letter To Philadelphia (7/22/12 PM)

Letter To Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7-13)

A church should use its opportunities.

This church stands out as a church that receives no criticism; they are reminded of the One they serve and exhorted to keep hanging on.

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God Loves Justice (7/22/12 AM)

God Loves Justice

God is a God of Justice and set forth regulations that His people would live justly so as to protect the innocent, punish the wicked, and preserve the righteous.

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Caleb (7/15/12 PM – James Fuller)


Guest speaker, James Fuller, discusses lessons we can learn from the life of Caleb.

A Willing Servant (7/15/12 AM)

A Willing Servant (Deuteronomy 15:17)

In the year of release, every seven years, the Jews were to release their brethren from servitude, but there was a provision by which one could choose to continue serving his master (Deut. 15:12-18; Exod. 21:1-6). There are certain similarities between such willful servitude and following …

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Letter To Sardis (7/8/12 PM)

Letter To Sardis (Revelation 3:1-6)

A church should finish its work & not grow complacent.

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He Steadfastly Set His Face To Go To Jerusalem (7/8/12 AM)

He Steadfastly Set His Face To Go To Jerusalem (Luke 9:51)

Jesus begins here a journey He will not complete until Luke 19; He knows the end of this journey will lead to His death and yet He is determined to complete it and fulfill His purpose.

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Make Your Calling and Election Sure (7/1/12 PM – Tom Wilcox)

Make Your Calling And Election Sure (2 Peter 1:10)

Guest speaker, Tom Wilcox

Take Heed How Ye Hear (7/1/12 AM)

Take Heed How Ye Hear (Luke 8:18)

We must consider not only what we listen to but how we do so, especially when it comes to God’s Word.

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Letter To Thyatira (6/24/12 PM)

Letter to Thyatira (Revelation 2:18-29)

A church should maintain moral purity.

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