Category: Sermons

Dealing With Church Problems (12/2/12 AM)

Dealing With Church Problems (Acts 6:1-7)

Acts 6 shows the church dealing with one of its first great problems and gives us some guidelines for dealing with problems today.

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When David Faced Death (11/25/12 PM)

When David Faced Death (2 Samuel 12:22-23)

Some lessons and comfort from David when we face the death of those we love…

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Fellowship In The Early Church (11/25/12 AM)

Fellowship In The Early Church (Acts 4:23-37)

The fellowship of Christians that began in Acts 2:41-47 continues even as the church endures hardships.

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Lessons From Ezekiel (11/18/12 PM)

Lessons From Ezekiel

Timeless lessons from Ezekiel that we still need to heed today.

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Acts: A History of the Kingdom (11/18/12 AM)

Acts—A History of the Kingdom

The book of Acts is a book of the history of the church in the first century that ties together the gospel accounts and the hope of our eternal home for those in the Lord’s Church.

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What Is Important? (11/11/12 PM – Johnny McCaghren)

What Is Important?

Guest Speaker, Johnny McCaghren

Repentance (11/11/12 AM – Johnny McCaghren)


Guest Speaker, Johnny McCaghren

Adorning The Doctrine (11/4/12 PM)

Adorning The Doctrine (Titus 2:10)

Do people see in our lives the effects of the beautiful gospel of Christ? By the way we live are they attracted to the gospel? Let us give diligence to adorning the doctrine of God!

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What They Saw (11/4/12 AM)

What They Saw (John 20)

John records those who saw the empty tomb and the risen Christ and shows the change it brought on their lives. What change has is brought on ours?

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A Living Hope (10/28/12 PM)

A Living Hope (1 Peter 1:3-5)

Peter praises God for the hope that we have as Christians even in the midst of suffering.

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