Category: Sermons

Lessons On The Road To Rome (2/10/13 AM)

Lessons On The Road To Rome (Acts 26-28)

Paul finally gets his desire to go to Rome, but not as he may have thought…his travels though highlight a number of important lessons we can learn from.

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An Amazing Faith (2/3/13 PM)

An Amazing Faith (Luke 7:9)

Jesus marveled at the faith of a certain centurion that not only showed good character but exhibited great confidence in Jesus.

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Two Very Different Responses (2/3/13 AM)

Two Very Different Responses (Acts 24)

This chapter records Paul’s opportunity to speak to Felix concerning the faith in Christ (v24) but his response and Paul’s own response are far different.

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40 Years Of Shame (1/27/13 PM)

40 Years of Shame

As we passed the 40 year anniversary of Row v. Wade this past week, the staggering statistics tell us 55 million babies have been killed in the womb! What do we learn about our nation?

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Call On The Name Of The Lord (1/27/13 AM)

Call On The Name Of The Lord (Acts 22:16)

What does it mean to call on the name of the Lord? Regardless of what men claim, let’s look to God’s Word to find the answer.

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Strive Lawfully (1/20/13 PM)

Strive Lawfully (2 Tim. 2:5)

Paul uses the image of an athlete competing in games when considering the work of Christian and an evangelist. These ideas are brought back to mind with the current news concerning Lance Armstrong loosing his medals and honor because he did not strive lawfully. Are we …

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Paul’s Example (1/20/13 AM)

Paul’s Example (Acts 20)

In speaking with the elders from Ephesus we learn from the example of Paul of things that should be imitated in our lives.

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Resolve To Pray (1/13/13 PM)

Resolve To Pray (1 Timothy 2:1-8)

Paul is writing Timothy concerning the church (1 Tim. 3:14), but we can learn a few practical lessons about prayer for ourselves in these verses too.

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Are You Sure? (1/13/13 AM)

Are You Sure? (Acts 18-19)

When preaching the gospel the question is “Are You Sure of your Salvation?” If not the gospel has the answer!

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A Prosperous New Year (1/6/13 PM)

A Prosperous New Year (3 John)

As much a John would wish Gaius prosperity and good health, his ultimate wish is for his spiritual prosperity.

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