Category: Sermons

The Goodness and Severity of God (3/24/13 AM)

The Goodness and Severity of God (Romans 11:22)

Paul uses the illustration of a grafter to show God’s blessings and judgment upon others.

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Receiving The Word Of God (3/17/13 PM)

Receiving The Word Of God (James 1:19-20)

Having shown God as sinless, giving, powerful, and wise, James shows our responsibility to Him as His creation.

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Victory In Christ (3/17/13 AM)

Victory in Christ (Romans 8)

Paul has moved from showing all under the condemnation of sin (Rom. 1-3) to showing there is a solution that God has provided. Through an active, obedient faith (Rom. 4) we can be justified (Rom. 5), sanctified (Rom. 6), and glorified (Rom. 7-8) in Christ. Chapter …

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James, A Teacher Molded By The Master (3/10/13 PM)

James, A Teacher Molded By The Master

The epistle of James is a very practical book of living the Christian life. Perhaps it stands in such distinction because of it being noted as the letter that most closely resembles Jesus’ own teaching. What can we learn by examining the differences and …

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Newness of Life (3/10/13 AM)

Newness of Life (Romans 6:4)

As a justified people (Rom. 5), we have been sanctified unto God and His service, now we are to live like it.

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Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep (3/3/13 PM)

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep… (Psalm 4)

This psalm expresses the contentment of one who, even in the midst of problems, can pillow his head in peace because of the confidence he has in God.

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Justification (3/3/11 AM)

Justification (Rom. 4-5)

Romans answers the question found in Job “…how should man be just with God?” (Job 9:2)

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Who Is A Wise Man? (2/24/13 PM)

Who Is A Wise Man? (James 3:13)

People often want to appear wise, but who does James, by inspiration, call a wise man?

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The Impartiality of God and the Equality of Man (2/24/13 AM)

The Impartiality of God and The Equality of Man (Rom. 2:11; 3:9, 23)

By showing that both Jew and Gentile all were guilty of sin and in need of a common Savior, Paul shows both the impartiality of God and the equality of man.

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From the Closet To The Market Place (2/10/13 PM)

From The Closet To The Market Place (Colossians 4:2-6)

From the most private part of our lives to the most public aspect, Paul reminds us to live as we ought as children of God.

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