Category: Sermons

Constructed Christian (4/23/13 PM – Jeff Rollo)

The Glorious Church of Christ: Constructed Christian

Jeff Rollo continues our spring meeting looking at the people we should be as members of the glorious Church of Christ. Going through the scriptures he “constructs” what the Christian should be from head to toe.

Potential (4/22/13 PM – Jeff Rollo)

The Glorious Church of Christ: Potential

Jeff Rollo continues our 2013 Spring meeting by reminding us that everyone has the potential to obey God and thus meet His expectations of us, what we do with that opportunity will determine if we realize that potential in heaven with God or face the realization of …

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Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing (4/21/13 PM – Jeff Rollo)

The Glorious Church of Christ: Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing

Jeff Rollo continues our spring meeting about the glorious church by remind us that the church must be on guard against false teachers.

Our Adversary (4/21/13 AM – Jeff Rollo)

The Glorious Church of Christ: Our Adversary

Jeff Rollo continues our 2013 Spring Meeting by reminding us that the church has an adversary that we must guard against.


God’s Pattern For The Church (4/21/13 Class – Jeff Rollo)

The Glorious Church of Christ: God’s Pattern For The Church

Jeff Rollo, begins our 2013 Spring Meeting on “The Glorious Church of Christ” by talking about God’s Pattern for the Church.


4-21-2013 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • The Purpose of Gospel Preaching by Clay Bond
    • The Chruch by Bill Burk
  • Sermons:
    • Gospel Meeting this week, no outlines

Speak And Do… (4/7/13 PM)

Speak and Do As They That Shall Be Judged By The Law of Liberty (James 2:12)

In respecting the rich, these had forgotten how they were to conduct themselves as disciples of Christ.

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We Are The Lord’s (4/7/13 AM)

We Are The Lord’s (Romans 14:8)

While much of what Paul writes about in this book concern matters of great importance—matters concerning the gospel and salvation that must be obeyed from the heart (1:16; 6:17)—there were some things that were matters of opinion; in these matters Paul urges great caution in …

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Respect of Persons (3/31/13 PM)

Respect of Persons (James 2:1-13)

James continues his letter about putting faith in action by condemning judging according to appearances.

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The Resurrection (3/31/13 AM)

The Resurrection

As many think about and celebrate the resurrection of Christ, what does it mean to us?

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