Category: Sermons

Have You Forgotten…? (5/26/13 PM)

Have You Forgotten…?

It is easy to become forgetful and put things out of our minds but some things we can’t afford to forget.

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The Power of Love (5/26/13 AM)

The Power of Love (1 Cor. 12-14)

Paul shows how the proper application of love would cure some of the problems at Corinth.

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Esther, Beauty from Within (5/19/13 PM)

Esther, Beauty from Within

Esther shows us a true beauty of character that we should seek to imitate in our lives.

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True Communion (5/19/13 AM)

True Communion (1 Cor. 11:17-34)

In writing to the brethren at Corinth, Paul has much to say about unity (both with God and man) and the means by which to restore it (returning to the true standard, 1:10). In chapter 11, he turns his attention to things lacking concerning the Lord’s Supper.

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Spiritual Growth (5/12/13 PM)

Spiritual Growth (Nehemiah 8)

The book of Nehemiah is a great study of what is required for growth in both the life of the Christian and for the church . Learning and implementing lessons from this book will help us all to grow.

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Godly Mothers (5/12/13 AM)

Godly Mothers

Certainly we are thankful for the great work of mothers, especially those striving to live as godly examples in their homes.

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Finishing (4/28/13 PM – Joe Dennis)


Guest Speaker, Joe Dennis

Who Are You? (4/28/13 – Jason Nicholas)

Who Are You?

Guest Speaker, Jason Nicholas

What Shall I Do With Jesus (4/24/13 PM – Jeff Rollo)

The Glorious Church of Christ: What Shall I Do With Jesus

Jeff Rollo closes our 2013 Spring Gospel Meeting by challenging us with the question that is of utmost and eternal importance–what will you do with Jesus?


Perception (4/24/13 Class- Jeff Rollo)

The Glorious Church of Christ: Perception

Jeff Rollo continues in our spring meeting during our Wednesday morning Bible class looking at perception — Are we viewing ourselves and others as God would have us to?

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