Category: Sermons

What Will You Do? (8/13/13 PM)

What Will You Do?

The conclusion of our 2013 Summer Youth Series Significant Lessons from “Insignificant” People. While those who are barely mentioned in the Bible may have been insignificant to the world, they were both significant and useful to God…we can do the same.

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Sowing and Reaping (8/11/13 PM)

Sowing and Reaping (Galatians 6:7)

This verse well summarizes the warnings of the whole book; all need to realize there are consequences to the choices and actions we make in this life, especially spiritual ones.

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Psalm 22 (8/11/13 AM)

Psalm 22: Suffering Servant of God

The Suffering Servant would know great agony, persecution, and shame; but such would turn to a great victory to the benefit of all!

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Christ Formed In Us (8/4/13 PM)

Christ Formed In Us (Galatians 4:19)

What Paul desired for the Christians should be our goal as well.

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The Inconsistency of Balaam (7/28/13 PM)

The Inconsistency of Balaam (Numbers 23:10)

Sadly Balaam “talked the talk but did not walk the walk”; may we learn to talk and walk as God would have us to.

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The Power of the Gospel (7/28/13 AM)

The Power of the Gospel (Gal. 1-2)

Paul will seek to defend the gospel he has proclaimed as being from God; therefore it is that which they/we should follow.

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The Preaching of John (7/21/13 PM)

The Preaching of John

John came as the forerunner for Jesus, to prepare the way for Him with a powerful message that got results (Matt. 3:1-6).

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Our Forgiving God (7/21/13 AM)

Our Forgiving God (Psalm 6)

God, in love and mercy, forgives the penitent.

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Listening (7/14/13 PM – James Fuller)

Listening – James Fuller

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Paul’s Authority (7/14/13 AM)

Paul’s Authority (2 Corinthians 10)

Paul defends his apostleship in this chapter; not to boast of himself, but so the Corinthians will hear what God would have them to know.

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