Category: Sermons

Bearing One Another’s Burdens – Galatians 6:1-10 (05/13/2018 PM – Johnny McCaghren)

Bearing One Another’s Burdens – Galatians 6:1-10

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Responding to Our Culture: As a Priest (05/13/2018 AM – Johnny McCaghren)

Responding to Our Culture: As a Priest

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Walking by the Spirit (2) – Galatians 5:22-26 (05/06/2018 PM – Johnny McCaghren)

Walking by the Spirit (2) – Galatians 5:22-26

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Responding to Our Culture: Not as a Zealot (05/06/2018 AM – Johnny McCaghren)

Responding to Our Culture: Not as a Zealot

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Walking by the Spirit – Galatians 5:16-21 (04/29/2018 PM – Johnny McCaghren)

Walking by the Spirit – Galatians 5:16-21

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Responding to Our Culture: Not as a Monk (04/29/2018 AM – Johnny McCaghren)

Responding to Our Culture: Not as a Monk

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Freedom in Christ (2) – Galatians 5:10-15 (04/22/2018 PM – Johnny McCaghren)

Freedom in Christ (2) – Galatians 5:10-15

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Responding to Our Culture: Not as a Chameleon (04/22/2018 AM – Johnny McCaghren)

Responding to Our Culture: Not as a Chameleon

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Freedom in Christ (4/15/18 PM)

Freedom in Christ

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The Liberty By Which Christ Has Made Us Free (4/15/18 PM)

The Liberty By Which Christ Has Made Us Free

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