Category: Sermons

In Galilee: Jesus’ First Teaching & Healing Tour; Healing a Leper (11/15/2020 PM – Johnny McCaghren)

In Galilee: Jesus’ First Teaching & Healing Tour; Healing a Leper

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For "What" & For "Whom" Should I Pray (11/08/2020 AM – Johnny McCaghren)

For "What" & For "Whom" Should I Pray

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The Shift to Capernaum in Gallilee and the Call of the Four Fishermen (11/01/2020 PM – Johnny McCaghren)

The Shift to Capernaum in Gallilee and the Call of the Four Fishermen

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Sometimes I Struggle (11/01/2020 AM – Johnny McCaghren)

Sometimes I Struggle

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Arrival in Galilee: a General Account of Jesus’ Teaching in Galilee and a Second Miracle at Cana (10/25/2020 PM – Johnny McCaghren)

Arrival in Galilee: a General Account of Jesus’ Teaching in Galilee and a Second Miracle at Cana

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Lord, Teach Me What To Do (10/25/2020 AM – Johnny McCaghren)

Lord, Teach Me What To Do

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The Incident in Samaria (10/18/2020 PM – Johnny McCaghren)

The Incident in Samaria

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Wonderful Things Happen (10/18/2020 AM – Johnny McCaghren)

Wonderful Things Happen

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Words of Hope (10/14/2020 – Denny Wilson)

Words of Hope – Wednesday PM

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Part of our 2020 Fall Gospel Meeting with Denny Wilson on “Words From the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ”

Words of Trust (10/13/2020 – Denny Wilson)

Words of Trust – Tuesday PM

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Part of our 2020 Fall Gospel Meeting with Denny Wilson on “Words From the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ”

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