Category: Sermons

Proper Attitdues Toward Sin (Part 1) (4/3/11 PM)

Proper Attitude Toward Sin (Part 1) 

These are some attitudes we should work at developing toward sin:

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What Do You Want On Your Tombstone (4/3/11 AM)

What do You Want On Your Tombstone?

What will be written of us when we are dead? Will any of these great Bible epitaphs be fitting for our lives? Most importantly, will God see us as such?

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Improper Attitudes Towards Sin (3/27/11 PM)

Improper Attitudes Towards Sin

Examines 5 common but dangerous attitudes that many display towards sin.

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What The Blind Man Saw (3/27/11 AM)

What The Blind Man Saw A study from Mark 10:46-52 concerning the need to see spiritually.

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Seeds of Sin (3/20/11 PM)

Seeds of Sin Identifying sins source to stop it before it blooms

  1. Satan – A Problem of Pride
    1. Little known about Satan’s origin but seems he was an angel that sin against God, sealing his eternal punishment (1 Tim. 3:6; 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 1:6; Matt. 25:41).
    2. His case also seems …

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Life’s Lessons: Learning From Japan (3/20/11 AM)

Life’s Lessons: Learning From Japan

  1. Uncertainty of Life:
    1. Problems of life, even death, will come, often unexpectedly (Job 14:1; Matt. 5:25, 27; James 1:2; 4;14).
    2. Such reminds us of the need to use time wisely (Ps. 90:12; Eph 5:15-16; 2 Cor. 5:10).
  2. Certainty of God:

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The God Of My Salvation (3/13/11 AM)

The God of My Salvation (Isaiah 12)

We considered last week that we are the church, the called out; now consider what such a realization should drive us to do…

  1. The Salvation of God
    1. Salvation made possible by God (Ex. 15:2; Eph. 1:7, 1 John 1:7; John 3:16).
    2. We see …

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Occasions of Sin (3/13/11 PM)


Occasions of Sin

  1. When we violate our conscience (Romans 14:23).
    1. An action done without conviction of its approval by God.
    2. If we do so we show a disregard for God‘s Will (Col. 3:17).
    3. Remember the conscience must be trained by God‘s Will (Acts 24;16; John 16:2; 1 Tim. 4:2; Heb. 10:22).
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Rejecting The Truth (3/6/11 AM)

Rejecting The Truth (Acts) Different reasons why people rejected the gospel are found in Acts; many are still used today, even in our own lives if we are not careful. 1. Financial Gain    a. Consider Acts 16:16-22 and 19:23-27    b. Sadly many prefer material things over truth (1 Tim. 6:10).    c. …

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