Category: Sermons

When Memorials Become Shrines (5/29/11 AM)

When Memorials Become Shrines

Sadly many times man has taken memorials, reminders of some event or thought, and corrupted them by turning them into shrines; that is they have worshiped the memorial instead of honoring that which the memorial stood for. Notice some instances in which this has occurred in OT …

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Effectively Spreading The Gospel (5/22/11 – PM)

Effectively Spreading The Gospel (Acts 19)

Learn from Paul’s own example how we might be more effective in spreading the gospel today.

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Godly Principles For Life (5/22/11 AM)

Godly Principles For Life (1 Chron. 28:9-10)

Encourages us all to live by the Godly principles that David would encourage his son, Solomon to live by.

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Don’t Measure Yourself By Others (5/15/11 PM)

Don’t Measure Yourself by Others

Many foolishly measure themselves by other people; we must instead measure ourselves by God’s standard.

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When My Love For Christ Grows Weak (5/15/11 AM)

When My Love For Christ Grows Weak

When I pause and look at the sacrifice of Christ, my love for Him and those around me should increase.

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Responsibilities To The Faith (5/8/11 – PM)

Responsibilities To The Faith

We often (and rightfully so) think about the benefits of the gospel, but we need to understand that those benefits carry great responsibilities as well…

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Jochebed: A Quite, But Influential Mother (5/8/11 – AM)

Jochebed: A Quite, But Influential Mother (Exodus 2)

While there is not much we know about this mother, still there are some great lessons we can learn from her actions towards her son.

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Are You Ready For Armageddon? (5/4/11 PM)

Are You Ready For Armageddon?

Part of our 2011 Spring Gospel Meeting with Tyler Young… This was the Wednesday PM Sermon in which Tyler dispels popular theories concerning the battle of Armageddon and then speaks of the true warning and assurance this battle represents.

The Temptation of Christ (5/4/11 Class)

The Temptation of Christ

Part of our 2011 Spring Gospel Meeting with Tyler Young… This was the Wednesday Class in which Tyler reminds us of a number of lessons we can learn from the temptation of Christ as recorded in Matthew 4:1-11

The Anti-Christ (5/3/11 PM)

The Anti-Christ: Future Furher or Dispensational Delusion?

Part of our 2011 Spring Gospel Meeting with Tyler Young… This was the Tuesday PM Sermon in which Tyler examines what is said concerning the anti-Christ from the pen of John as well as the man of sin from the pen of Paul. See …

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