Category: Sermons

Jesus: “I am the bread of life” (7/3/11 AM)

Jesus: “I Am The Bread of Life” (John 6:35, 48)

The first in a series of sermons that examines the “I Am…” statements of Jesus as recorded in the book of John.

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The Death Of David (1 Chron. 29:28)

The Death Of David (1 Chron. 29:28)

Learning how to live from the death of a faithful servant of God.

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The Demands Of Christianity (Heb. 13:1-17)

The Demands of Christianity (Hebrews 13:1-17)

After setting forth the “better way of Christianity” the Hebrews writer sets forth a number of expectations that should be exhibited by the Christian:

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Seven Views Of The Cross (6/19/11 PM)

Seven Views Of The Cross

Many people saw the cross of Christ, but from different perspectives…how do you see it?

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Turn The Hearts Of The Fathers (6/19/11 AM)

“…Turn The Hearts Of The Fathers…” (Luke 1:17)

John would come on the scene of history with a great task, to prepare a people for the coming of Jesus. Like Elijah of old, he was to turn a people back to God, a charge we as God’s people and particularly fathers …

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The Home As God Would Have It (6/12/11 PM)

The Home As God Would Have It

God does have a design for the home and only when each member of the family fulfills his part will the home be what God intends for it to be.

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The Tree Of Life (6/12/11 AM)

The Tree of Life

That which was removed from man’s access following sin is restored in heaven for the faithful!

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Witnesses Of Christ (6/5/11 PM)

Witnesses of Christ (John 5:31-47)

Jesus lays out His “documentation” before the people and they must decide if He is the Lord as He claims to be, a liar, or a lunatic.

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Are You In The Valley Of Decision (6/5/11 AM)

Are You In The Valley Of Decision? (Joel 3)

Joel promises great blessing for those in the city of safety but destruction for those in the valley of decision/judgment…are you in the city or the valley?

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Judgment Bar of God – Casey Clement (5/29/11 PM)

The Judgment Bar of God

Guest Speaker, Casey Clement, preacher for the DeLeon church of Christ examines what the Bible says about the Judgment Bar of God.

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