Category: Sermons

The Tongue, Small But Powerful (8/4/11 PM)

The Tongue, Small But Powerful (James 3:1-12)

James is a practical book on living the Christian life and in chapter 3 he addresses the powerful instrument most all are blessed with and he instructs us to use it wisely:

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A Mighty Widow (9/4/11 AM)

A Mighty Widow (Mark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4)

In contrast to many “great” and “religious” people, one lowly woman stood out in Jesus’ eye as an example to be praised.

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Important Lessons From The Psalms (8/28/11 PM)

Important Lessons From The Psalms

The psalms present many practical lessons that we would do well to learn:

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Attitdues We Face (8/28/11 AM)

Attitudes We Face (Matthew 11)

We see how Jesus faced common attitudes that we face in others and sometimes ourselves…

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Following Christ, Leading Others (8/21/11 PM)

Following Christ, Leading Others (Matthew. 14:13-21)

Jesus gives us a great example of how we ought to be leaders but also encourage others to be leaders in the church:

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God, The Refiner (8/21/11 AM)

God, The Refiner (Mal. 3:3)

Many are headed back to school tomorrow to be refined, but let us remember that God is refining us for a far greater purpose…

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Predictable Righteousness (8/14/11 – PM)

Predictable Righteousness

Can God and others depend on us doing the right things consistently?

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I Am The Vine (8/14/11 – AM)

I Am The Vine (John 15:1-8)

Jesus encourages His disciples to continue faithfully with Him.

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Humble Like the Prodigal Son (8/9/11 – SYS)

2011 Summer Youth Series – “Youths of the Bible” Humble Like the Prodigal Son

Kevin Rhodes from Grandbury Street church of Christ in Cleburne, TX was our guest speaker and examines the lessons of humility that we learn from the Prodigal Son.

Philip: An Active Servant (8/7/11 PM)

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Philip: An Active Servant 1. Already in the Lord’s Work (Acts 6) a. His character aligns with the description of v3 and it was witnessed by the church because he was chosen by them. b. Realize this was a man that was trusted and well spoken of, he had proved himself …

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