Category: AM

The Great Promise (10/23/11 Class)

The Great Promise (Gal. 3:8)

Part of our 2011 Fall Meeting with Jason Rollo – “The Great Plan of God”

Jason starts by looking at the great promise given to Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3) that was fulfilled in Christ (Gal. 3)

The Name Christian (10/16/11 AM)

The Name Christian

A name we should proudly wear as it indicates we belong to Christ and is a name of great honor (Isa. 56:5; 62:2; James 2:7); wearing it shows:

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Pursuit of Happiness (10/9/11 AM)

Pursuit of Happiness

Sermon delivered by guest speaker, Jim Moore

She Hath Done What She Could (10/2/11 AM)

She Hath Done What She Could (Mark 14:8)

Shortly before Jesus death, Mary would come and anoint the head and feet of Jesus with expensive ointment which received mixed reviews and contain important lessons for us…

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Showing The Wisdom Of God (9/25/11 AM)

Showing The Wisdom Of God (Eph. 3:10)

Paul rejoices in the fact that he can proclaim the gospel of Christ, the good news of salvation that unites all the saved into one body, the church. As he marvels in this message he reminds us that the church (the fulfill-ment of God’s …

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Josiah: An Example of True Restoration (9/18/11 AM)

Josiah: An Example of True Restoration (2 Chron. 34-35; 2 Kings 22-23)

Josiah reminds us that restoration is a times necessary and always possible when we turn back to God and His Word.

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Have We Forgotten… (9/11/11 AM)

Have We Forgotten…

On this tenth anniversary of 9/11/01 many are asking the question, “have we forgotten?”, lest we allow the memory of that day fade away. While we certainly mourn for those who lost loved ones and were otherwise affected, it is also important to ask if we have forgotten …

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A Mighty Widow (9/4/11 AM)

A Mighty Widow (Mark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4)

In contrast to many “great” and “religious” people, one lowly woman stood out in Jesus’ eye as an example to be praised.

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Attitdues We Face (8/28/11 AM)

Attitudes We Face (Matthew 11)

We see how Jesus faced common attitudes that we face in others and sometimes ourselves…

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God, The Refiner (8/21/11 AM)

God, The Refiner (Mal. 3:3)

Many are headed back to school tomorrow to be refined, but let us remember that God is refining us for a far greater purpose…

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