Category: AM

Asked Not Counsel At The Mouth Of The Lord (12/18/11 AM)

“Asked Not Counsel At The Mouth Of The Lord” (Joshua 9:14)

In the midst of great success, Israel showed a great lack of wisdom that sadly many still make today.

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Points On Prayer (12/11/11 AM)

Points on Prayer (James 5:13-18)

James is a very practical book on living the Christian life; it should come as no surprise then that he speaks of prayer.

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The Enduring Shepherd (12/4/11 AM)

Psalm 23: The Enduring Shepherd (v6)

The sheep concludes this psalm of praise by reflecting over all the shepherd has done and expressing confidence in the shepherd and the desire to continue always with him.

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The Gracious Shepherd (11/27/11 AM)

Psalm 23: The Gracious Shepherd (v5)

The sheep continues to praise the shepherd for the bountiful provision and care that the shepherd provides:

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The Protecting Shepherd (11/20/11 AM)

Psalm 23: The Protecting Shepherd (v4)

The sheep is now pictured as talking directly to the shepherd in praise and thanksgiving for what he does:

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The Watchful Shepherd (11/13/11 AM)

Psalm 23: Watchful Shepherd (v3)

The loving Shepherd is attentive to His flock and ready to act as necessary to save and help His sheep.

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Satisfying Shepherd (11/6/11 AM)

Psalm 23: Satisfying Shepherd (v2)

We continue our look at the 23rd Psalm by examining the loving and tender care and provision of the shepherd for his sheep.

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The Lord Is My Shepherd (10/30/11 AM)

Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want

This morning we begin a series looking at this great, well-known Psalm, digging deeper into its great treasures starting in verse 1:

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The Great Savior (10/26/11 Class)

The Great Savior (John 14:6)

Part of our 2011 Fall Meeting with Jason Rollo – “The Great Plan of God”

Jason looks at how you can prove Jesus Christ is who He claimed to be.

The Great Conversion (10/23/11 AM)

The Great Conversion(2 Cor. 5:17)

Part of our 2011 Fall Meeting with Jason Rollo – “The Great Plan of God”

Jason continues by showing God’s great plan of salvation that is available to all today.

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