Category: AM

The Way To Live (5/6/12 AM)

The Way To Live (Lev. 18:1-5)

The Lord encourages the people of Israel to submit to Him, follow His will, and receive His promises…we have a similar charge today…

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Strange Fire (4/29/12 AM)

Strange Fire (Leviticus 10:1)

Nadab and Abihu, sons of Aaron, were destroyed by fire from God when they transgressed God’s will concerning their worship…from this account we can learn some important lessons.

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Why Jesus Taught In Parables (4/22/12 AM)

Why Jesus Taught In Parables

Mark 4:30 gives a good definition of parables: likenesses or comparisons of one thing to another. Jesus was a master at using common/understood things to teach spiritual truths. So why did He use this method of teaching so often?

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The Gospel of Mark: Portrait of a Servant (4/15/12 AM)

The Gospel of Mark: Portrait of a Servant

Mark presents Jesus as an active, authoritative servant of God.

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He Is Not Here: For He Is Risen (4/8/12 AM)

He Is Not Here: For He Is Risen (Matt. 28:5-6)

As Matthew concludes, he records the death and burial of Christ but also the joyous resurrection. Here we see the empty tomb which forever declares the reality of Jesus’ death, resurrection, and reign.

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Peter’s Denial of Jesus (4/1/12 AM)

Peter’s Denial of Jesus (Matthew 26)

Matthew records events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion in which He was betrayed by a close friend, deserted by His disciples, convicted by false witnesses, and betrayed by one who loved Him. Let’s consider Peter’s actions in this chapter.

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The Lord Looketh On The Heart (3/25/12 AM)

The Lord Looketh On The Heart (Matthew 23)

Jesus exposes and rebukes the destructive, hypocritical attitudes and actions of the scribes and the Pharisees. They tried to appear righteous to men, but Jesus knew their heart.

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The Triumphant Entry (3/18/12 AM)

The Triumphant Entry (Matthew 21:1-11)

In the last week of His life before His crucifixion Jesus makes a triumphant entry into Jerusalem. What can we learn from this account?

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It’s Not Always Easy (3/11/12 AM)

It’s Not Always Easy (Matthew 19-20)

While God has not made it difficult to find Him (Acts 17:27), nevertheless at times it can be difficult to follow Him if our hearts are not set on Him, His will, and His reward.

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Matthew 18: Humility & Forgiveness (3/4/12 AM)

Matthew 18: Humility & Forgiveness

In this chapter Jesus deals with two great characteristics of His disciples toward each other: humility and forgiveness.

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