Category: AM

Strange Before The World (9/16/12 – Josh Romo)

Strange Before The World

Josh Romo reminds us that we are to be different from the world as we start our 2012 Fall Gospel Meeting “A Moral Church In An Immoral World”

You Must Be Born Again (9/9/12 AM)

You Must Be Born Again (John 3:1-11)

Nicodemus sought Jesus when many others would not and he found out what was necessary to be member of the kingdom.

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John: A Portrait of God, The Son (9/2/12 AM)

Gospel of John: A Picture of God, The Son

Other writers spoke of His authority and His work, John specifically shows us the deity of Christ.

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Distinctive Pattern for New Testament Authority (8/26/12 AM – Johnny McCaghren)

Distinctive Pattern For New Testament Authority

Guest Speaker, Johnny McCaghren


An Audience That Was Ideal (8/19/12 AM)

An Audience That Was Ideal (Acts 10:33)

As Peter has opportunity to preach before Cornelius and his household, it truly was an ideal audience that is worthy of our consideration and imitation.

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Joshua: Formula For Success (8/12/12 AM)

Joshua: Formula For Success (Joshua 1:8)

God gives Joshua the key to success…we will meet success if we follow the same pattern.

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The Secret vs Revealed Things Of God (8/5/12 AM)

The Secret Vs. Revealed Things Of God (Deut. 29:29)

Some things are not revealed by God, they are secret; but other things He has revealed to man and this is what we are responsible for acting on.

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Rejoice In Every Good Thing Which The Lord Thy God Hath Given Thee (7/29/12 AM)

Rejoice In Every Good Thing Which The Lord Thy God Hath Given Thee

In bringing their firstfruit offerings, the Jews were to express thanks to God.

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God Loves Justice (7/22/12 AM)

God Loves Justice

God is a God of Justice and set forth regulations that His people would live justly so as to protect the innocent, punish the wicked, and preserve the righteous.

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A Willing Servant (7/15/12 AM)

A Willing Servant (Deuteronomy 15:17)

In the year of release, every seven years, the Jews were to release their brethren from servitude, but there was a provision by which one could choose to continue serving his master (Deut. 15:12-18; Exod. 21:1-6). There are certain similarities between such willful servitude and following …

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