Category: AM

Our Adversary (4/21/13 AM – Jeff Rollo)

The Glorious Church of Christ: Our Adversary

Jeff Rollo continues our 2013 Spring Meeting by reminding us that the church has an adversary that we must guard against.


God’s Pattern For The Church (4/21/13 Class – Jeff Rollo)

The Glorious Church of Christ: God’s Pattern For The Church

Jeff Rollo, begins our 2013 Spring Meeting on “The Glorious Church of Christ” by talking about God’s Pattern for the Church.


4-21-2013 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • The Purpose of Gospel Preaching by Clay Bond
    • The Chruch by Bill Burk
  • Sermons:
    • Gospel Meeting this week, no outlines

We Are The Lord’s (4/7/13 AM)

We Are The Lord’s (Romans 14:8)

While much of what Paul writes about in this book concern matters of great importance—matters concerning the gospel and salvation that must be obeyed from the heart (1:16; 6:17)—there were some things that were matters of opinion; in these matters Paul urges great caution in …

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The Resurrection (3/31/13 AM)

The Resurrection

As many think about and celebrate the resurrection of Christ, what does it mean to us?

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The Goodness and Severity of God (3/24/13 AM)

The Goodness and Severity of God (Romans 11:22)

Paul uses the illustration of a grafter to show God’s blessings and judgment upon others.

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Victory In Christ (3/17/13 AM)

Victory in Christ (Romans 8)

Paul has moved from showing all under the condemnation of sin (Rom. 1-3) to showing there is a solution that God has provided. Through an active, obedient faith (Rom. 4) we can be justified (Rom. 5), sanctified (Rom. 6), and glorified (Rom. 7-8) in Christ. Chapter …

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Newness of Life (3/10/13 AM)

Newness of Life (Romans 6:4)

As a justified people (Rom. 5), we have been sanctified unto God and His service, now we are to live like it.

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Justification (3/3/11 AM)

Justification (Rom. 4-5)

Romans answers the question found in Job “…how should man be just with God?” (Job 9:2)

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The Impartiality of God and the Equality of Man (2/24/13 AM)

The Impartiality of God and The Equality of Man (Rom. 2:11; 3:9, 23)

By showing that both Jew and Gentile all were guilty of sin and in need of a common Savior, Paul shows both the impartiality of God and the equality of man.

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