Category: AM

Christian Liberality (7/7/13 AM)

Christian Liberality (2 Corinthians 8-9)

Paul exhorts the Christians to show their liberality in their service ot God, love toward others, and their cheerful giving.

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Come Out From Among Them (6/30/13 AM)

Come Out From Among Them (2 Cor. 6:14-18)

God has called His people out, to be separate and distinct from the world, that they can enjoy fellowship with Him.

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We Believe, Therefore We Speak (6/23/13 AM)

We Believe, Therefore We Speak (2 Corinthians 4:13)

Paul, quoting Psalm 116, speaks of his like faith in which his confidence in God motivates his proclamation of the gospel.

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What Job Longed For, We Have Assurance Of (6/9/13 AM)

What Job Longed For, We Have Assurance Of (Job 9)

Job, though he trusted God, was confused about a number of things during his suffering; thankfully we have a more complete picture of God during the New Testament age. Some of what he loved for, we have the assurance of…

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The Assurance of the Resurrection (6/2/13 AM)

The Assurance of the Resurrection (1 Cor. 15)

With the assurance of the resurrection, the Christian should be able to continue on faithfully, trusting in our reward from our faithful God!

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The Power of Love (5/26/13 AM)

The Power of Love (1 Cor. 12-14)

Paul shows how the proper application of love would cure some of the problems at Corinth.

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True Communion (5/19/13 AM)

True Communion (1 Cor. 11:17-34)

In writing to the brethren at Corinth, Paul has much to say about unity (both with God and man) and the means by which to restore it (returning to the true standard, 1:10). In chapter 11, he turns his attention to things lacking concerning the Lord’s Supper.

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Godly Mothers (5/12/13 AM)

Godly Mothers

Certainly we are thankful for the great work of mothers, especially those striving to live as godly examples in their homes.

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Who Are You? (4/28/13 – Jason Nicholas)

Who Are You?

Guest Speaker, Jason Nicholas

Perception (4/24/13 Class- Jeff Rollo)

The Glorious Church of Christ: Perception

Jeff Rollo continues in our spring meeting during our Wednesday morning Bible class looking at perception — Are we viewing ourselves and others as God would have us to?

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