Category: AM

Christ, Our Life (9/29/13 AM)

Christ, Our Life (Colossians 3:3-4)

As Christians, our lives a tried up in Christ and such should show in our manner of life.

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Paul’s Prayer For The Colossians (9/22/13 AM)

Paul’s Prayer for the Colossians (Col. 1:9-14)

Paul’s prayers are rich lessons concerning what he desired to see in the lives of the Christians.

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Let This Mind Be In You (9/8/13 AM)

Let This Mind Be In You (Philippians 2)

Exhorting Christians at Philippi to unity, Paul urges them to have the mind of Christ who was a great example of humility, obedience, and love.

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Living Like Noah (9/1/13 AM)

Living Like Noah (Heb. 11:7)

We can enjoy many of the same things Noah had.

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Christian Unity (8/25/13 AM)

Christian Unity (Ephesians 4)

The great mystery that Paul now gets to proclaim is that all men can be united in Christ to the glory of the Father (Eph. 3). Now he presents the facts, means, and evidence of such a unity.

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Salvation: By Faith Through Faith (8/18/13 AM)

Salvation: By Grace Through Faith (Eph. 2:8-9)

As Paul writes of salvation we enjoy as Christians, we are reminded that grace and faith work together.

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Psalm 22 (8/11/13 AM)

Psalm 22: Suffering Servant of God

The Suffering Servant would know great agony, persecution, and shame; but such would turn to a great victory to the benefit of all!

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The Power of the Gospel (7/28/13 AM)

The Power of the Gospel (Gal. 1-2)

Paul will seek to defend the gospel he has proclaimed as being from God; therefore it is that which they/we should follow.

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Our Forgiving God (7/21/13 AM)

Our Forgiving God (Psalm 6)

God, in love and mercy, forgives the penitent.

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Paul’s Authority (7/14/13 AM)

Paul’s Authority (2 Corinthians 10)

Paul defends his apostleship in this chapter; not to boast of himself, but so the Corinthians will hear what God would have them to know.

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