Category: AM

Call To Repentance (4/27/14 AM)

Call To Repentance

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Be Ready (4/20/14 AM)

Be Ready

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Where Are Your Treasures (4/13/14 AM)

Where Are Your Treasures?

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Studies in Luke: The Pharisees (4/6/14 AM)

Studies in Luke: the Pharisees (11:33-36)

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Studies in Luke—The Pharisees—11:33-36

  1. Jesus speaks of a man’s life and his receptivity to spiritual truth under the metaphor of the eye and light.
    • When the eye is healthy, the whole body is full of light.
    • When the eye is bad, …

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Studies in Luke: The Good Samaritan (3/30/14 AM)

Studies In Luke: The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

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Studies in Luke—The Good Samaritan—10:25-37

  1. “Jesus’ Ministry in Perea” (9:51-19:28)
    • The focus shifts from Jesus’ signs and wonders, to His teaching.
    • You will notice many more words in red (red letter edition).
    • Many parables recorded in this …

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Jesus’ Work in Galilee (3/23/14 AM)

Studies in Luke: Jesus’ Work in Galilee (4:14-9:50)

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Studies in Luke—Jesus’ Work in Galilee—4:14-9:50 Jesus shows His power and authority over every aspect of life: nature, disease, death, the spirit realm, the natural world, and sin.

  1. There are a variety of responses to His power and …

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The Temptation of Jesus (3/9/14 AM)


Studies In Luke: The Temptation of Jesus (4:1-12)

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Studies in Luke—The Temptation of Jesus—4:1-12

  1. Luke has shown the Holy Spirit’s role in identifying Jesus
  2. In 3:23-38, Luke gives Jesus’ genealogy through Mary
  3. After Jesus’ baptism, the Holy Spirit leads him “in the wilderness for forty days, being …

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Preparing The Way (3/2/14 AM)

Studies In Luke: Preparing The Way (3:1-22)

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Studies in Luke—Preparing the Way—3:1-22

  1. In Ch. 1 we learned of John’s birth and purpose
    • A miraculous birth, as “Elizabeth was barren, and both were advanced in years” (1:6)
    • His task—”to make ready for the Lord a people pre-pared” (1:17)
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Studies in Luke: The Birth of Jesus (2/23/14 AM)

Studies in Luke: The Birth of Jesus (Luke 1-2)

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Studies in Luke—The Birth of Jesus—Chapters 1&2

  1. The center of attention of all four gospel accounts is the nature and character of Jesus.
    • Their purpose—”that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of …

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What Is Worship? (2/16/14 AM)

What Is Worship?

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What Is Worship?

  1. “Worship” Defined by New Testament Vocabulary
    • Proskuneo
      • “To kiss”
      • “The custom of prostrating oneself before a person and kiss-ing his feet, the hem of his garment, the ground, etc.” (Bauer)
    • Sebomai

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