Category: AM

A Matter of Inspiration (Rick Brumback – 3/17/19 AM)

“Is It From God?” – A Matter of Inspiration

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Part of our 2019 Spring Gospel Meeting with Rick Brumback on “How We Got the Bible”

A Matter of Concern (Rick Brumback – 3/17/19 Class)

“Why All the Fuss?” – A Matter of Concern

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Part of our 2019 Spring Gospel Meeting with Rick Brumback on “How We Got the Bible”

Hands that Shed Innocent Blood (10/28/2018 AM – Johnny McCaghren)

Hands that Shed Innocent Blood

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Jesus Christ and Him Crucified (10/14/2018 AM – Johnny McCaghren)

Jesus Christ and Him Crucified

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The Role of Women in the Church (10/07/2018 AM – Johnny McCaghren)

The Role of Women in the Church

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Living Right in a World Gone Wrong: Remember that Sin Has Consequences (09/30/2018 AM – Johnny McCaghren)

Living Right in a World Gone Wrong: Remember that Sin Has Consequences

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Living Right in a World Gone Wrong: Do Not Be Conformed to This World (09/23/2018 AM – Johnny McCaghren)

Living Right in a World Gone Wrong: Do Not Be Conformed to This World

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Living Right in a World Gone Wrong: The Example of Joseph (GEn. 39:6-23) (09/16/2018 AM – Johnny McCaghren)

Living Right in a World Gone Wrong: The Example of Joseph (GEn. 39:6-23)

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Living Right in a World Gone Wrong: The Example of Moses (Heb. 11:23-28) (09/09/2018 AM – Johnny McCaghren)

Living Right in a World Gone Wrong: The Example of Moses (Heb. 11:23-28)

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We Can KNOW We Are Going to Heaven! – 1 John (09/02/2018 AM – Johnny McCaghren)

We Can KNOW We Are Going to Heaven! – 1 John

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