Category: Bulletins

9-11-2011 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
  • Dropping Like Rain by Mike Bonner
  • The Value of the Assembly by Patrick Morrison
  • Interaction or Isolation? By Luke Bower
  • Sermons:
    • Have We Forgotten…
    • In Search Of Refuge (Num. 35:9-29; Heb. 6:17-20)

    9-4-2011 – Bulletin

    In This Issue:

    • Article(s):
    • The Magic of Kindness by Wayne Jackson
  • Sermons:
    • A Mighty Widow (Mark 12:41-44)
    • The Tongue, Small But Powerful (James 3:1-12)

    8-28-2011 – Bulletin

    In This Issue:

    • Article(s):
    • The Mind Of Christ by JA McNutt
    • Abraham Is Courteous To Strangers by Mike Glenn
  • Sermons:
    • Attitudes We Face (Matthew 11)
    • Important Lessons From the Psalms

    8-21-2011 – Bulletin

    In This Issue:

    • Article(s):
    • A Truly Wonderful Statement by Dave Rogers
    • I Do Always Those Things That Please Him by Roger Campbell
    • Thoughts on Psalm 119:59 by Eddie Parrish
  • Sermons:
    • God, the Refiner (Mal. 3:3)
    • Following Christ, Leading Others (Matt. 14:13-21)

    8-14-2011 – Bulletin

    In This Issue:

    • Article(s):
    • The Faith of Moses by Kevin Cauley
    • Facing Fear by Robert Hatfield
    • Pure Water by Tom Moore
  • Sermons:
    • I Am the Vine (John 15:1-8)
    • Predictable Righteousness

    8-7-2011 – Bulletin

    In This Issue:

    • Article(s):
    • Building Fellowship at Fellowship Meals by Kevin W. Rhodes
    • A Dash Between Two Dates? By Gary Colley
  • Sermons:
    • I AM The Way, The Truth, and The Life (John 14:6)
    • Philip: An Active Servant

    7-31-2011 – Bulletin

    In This Issue:

    • Article(s):
      • The Greatness of God by Terry Jackson
      • Faithful, But Lost by Jeremy Sprouse
      • Commitment by Terry Jackson
    • Sermons:
      • I Am the Resurrection And the Life (John 11:25)
      • Guest Speaker, Terry Jackson

    7-24-2011 – Bulletin

    In This Issue:

    • Article(s):
      • The God Of All Comfort by David Harris
      • What Kind of Member Are You? By Gus Nichols
      • Overcoming Pride by Dan Flournoy
    • Sermons:
      • I Am the Good Shepherd (John 10:11)
      • I Believe God (Acts 27:25)

    7-17-2011 – Bulletin

    In This Issue:

    • Article(s):
      • Good Counsel by Tom Moore
      • A People of Character by Kevin W. Rhodes
      • Praying For Open Doors by Eddie Parrish
    • Sermons:
      • I Am the Door (John 10:7, 9)

    7-10-2011 – Bulletin

    In This Issue:

    • Article(s):
      • Things We Should Do For Ourselves by Jason Hilburn
    • Sermons:
      • I Am The Light OF The World (John 8:12)
      • A Three-Fold Commendation (Phil. 2:25)

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