Category: Bulletins

6-17-2012 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • Father’s Day – A Celebration and Reminder by Ryan Smithey
    • Is Jesus Really Lord of My Life? by Sam Wilcut
  • Sermons:
    • Lessons From Balaam, One Who Loved The Wages Of Unrighteousness
    • Letter to Pergamos (Revelation 2:12-17)

6-10-2012 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
  • The Power of Choice by Marvin Weir
  • Three Things Necessary For Spiritual Success
  • Sermons:
    • Luke: Portrait of a Compassionate Savior To All Men
    • Letter to Smyrna (Revelation 2:8-11)

    6-3-2012 – Bulletin

    In This Issue:

    • Article(s):
    • An Ideal Student by Carl B. Garner
    • A Man After God’s Own Heart by Tom Moore
  • Sermons:
    • Lessons From The Spies (Numbers 13-14)
    • Letter To Ephesus (Revelation 2:1-7)

    5-27-2012 – Bulletin

    In This Issue:

    • Article(s):
      • The Transformation in Conversion by Sam Wilcut
      • Fighting Giants by Steve Higginbotham
      • Fighting But Not Striving by Tom Moore
    • Sermons:
    • God’s Guidance (Numbers 9:15-23)
    • Remember (2 Peter 1)

    5-20-2012 – Bulletin

    In This Issue:

    • Article(s):
      • God’s Family by Jerry Martin
      • What Is Biblical Love? by Wayne Jones
      • Seeing the Big Picture by Wayne Jones
    • Sermons:
    • Gospel Meeting, no outlines

    5-13-2012 – Bulletin

    In This Issue:

    • Article(s):
    • Real People — Real Heroes by Jason R. Roberts
  • Sermons:
    • Guest Speakers, no outlines

    5-6-2012 – Bulletin

    In This Issue:

    • Article(s):
    • “Speaking the Truth in Love” by Ben Bailey, David Fanning, Kevin Pendergrass
    • A Little Effort by Tom Moore
  • Sermons:
    • The Way To Live (Lev. 18:1-5)
    • Let Us… (Part 2, Hebrews)

    4-29-2012 – Bulletin

    In This Issue:

    • Article(s):
      • How Firm A Foundation? by Jeremy Sprouse
      • How To React In Unsettling Times by Sam Wilcut
    • Sermons:
    • Strange Fire (Lev. 10:1-2
    • Guest Speaker, Jeremy Sprouse

    4-22-2012 – Bulletin

    In This Issue:

    • Article(s):
    • The Rich Fool by Randall Evans
    • I Said Nothing by Wade Webster
    • The Nature of the New Testament Church by Wendell Winkler
    • Sails and Anchors by Bill McFarland
  • Sermons:
    • Why Jesus Taught In Parables
    • Let Us… (Part 1, Hebrews)

    4-15-2012 – Bulletin

    In This Issue:

    • Article(s):
    • Athenian Religion by Tom Wacaster
    • Greatness Is Not Accidental by Mike Bonner
  • Sermons:
    • The Gospel of Mark: Portrait of a Servant
    • A Leader Like Joshua

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