Category: Bulletins

1-13-2012 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • Jeremiah’s Thoughts by Marvin Weir
    • Walking in His Steps by Tom Moore
    • Drowsy Living by Tom Moore
  • Sermons:
    • Are You Sure? (Acts 18-19)
    • Resolve To Pray (1 Tim. 2:1-8)

1-6-2013 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • Can Jesus Be Seen In Me by Wade Webster
    • True Abundant Life by Tom Moore
    • Ways To Find Time To Study The Bible by Jason Hilburn
    • A Lot Can Happen In A Year by Tom Moore
  • Sermons:
    • Receptive Response
    • A Prosperous New Year (3 John)

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12-30-2012 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • An Incredible Return Policy! by Neal Pollard
    • And He Died by Tom Wacaster
    • Proverbs 18:15 by Jeremy Sprouse
  • Sermons:
    • Keep Preaching (Acts 14)
    • Is There Not A Cause? (Part 3; 1 Sam. 17:29)

12-23-2012 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • Why I Am A (Grateful) Member of the Church of Christ by Anonymous
    • What DO You Have? by Neal Pollard
  • Sermons:
    • The Choice Is Yours? (Acts 13)
    • Is There Not A Cause? (Part 2)

12-16-2012 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • The Heart Searcher by Dan Flournoy
    • ABC’s of Water Baptism
    • Thoughts On Christmas by Tom Moore
  • Sermons:
    • God Is No Respecter of Persons (Acts 10:34-35)
    • Is There Not A Cause? (Part 1)

12-09-2012 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • I Want To Go To Heaven by Charles Box
  • Sermons:
    • Evidence of Conversion (Acts 8-9)
    • Barnabas: A Model Christian

12-02-2012 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • The Privilege of Calling God “Father” by Mike Bonner
    • Focus by Kevin Cauley
  • Sermons:
    • Dealing With Church Problems (Acts 6:1-7)
    • For Such A Time As This (Esther 4:14)

11-25-2012 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • Faithful Ministry by Darwin Hunter
    • The Mind of Christ by Kevin W. Rhodes
    • Christ Is… by Unknown
  • Sermons:
    • Fellowship In The Early Church (Acts 4:23-37)
    • When David Faced Death (2 Sam. 12:22-23)

11-18-2012 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • Respect For Authority by Jim Faughn
    • Can You Trust Your Bible? by Luke Griffin
  • Sermons:
    • Acts – A History of the Kingdom
    • Lessons From Ezekiel

11-11-2012 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • The Lord Who Looks From Heaven by Neal Pollard
    • The Importance of Marrow by David Harris
    • Paul’s “Southern Accent” and Peter’s “Northern Accent” by Dan Jenkins
  • Sermons:
    • No Sermon Outlines This Week

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