Category: Bulletins

3-24-2013 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • Christian Ethics? by Glenn Colley
    • Biblical Backetology by Jack Wilkie
  • Sermons:
    • The Goodness and Severity of God (Rom. 11:22)
    • Vain Vs. Pure Religion (James 1:26-27)

3-17-2013 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • Loving God as Father by Tom Moore
    • Barabbas by Sam Willcut
  • Sermons:
    • Victory in Christ (Romans 8)
    • Receiving The Word of God (James 1:19-20)

3/10/2013 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • And He Took Courage by Kyle Campbell
    • There’s A New Church In Town by David Courington
  • Sermons:
    • Newness Of Life (Romans 6:4)
    • James, A Teacher Molded By The Master

3-3-2013 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • Times When Prayer Has No Power by Jason Sparks
    • Working Together: Cooperation by Rick Popejoy
    • Choosing Our Focus b Tom Moore
  • Sermons:
    • Justification (Rom. 4-5)
    • Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep (Ps.4)

2-24-2013 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • Are We Any Better? Sam Wilcut
    • If the Shoe Fits… by Tom Moore
    • Leaving Joppa by Steve Higginbotham
    • Personal Inquiry by Kevin W. Rhodes
  • Sermons:
    • The Impartiality of God and the Equality of Man (Rom 1-3)
    • Who Is A Wise Man? (James 3:13)

02-17-2013 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • Incorruptible Things by Jason Hilburn
    • Answering Pharaoh’s Question by Terry Jackson
  • Sermons:
    • No outlines this week, guest speaker

2-10-2013 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • Stepping Stones For Contentment by Marvin Weir
    • The Perfect Dive vs The Perfect Life by Steve Higginbotham
  • Sermons:
    • Lessons On The Road To Rome (Acts 26-28)
    • From The Closet To The Market Place (Col. 4:2-6)

2-3-2013 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • How Far Gone Is The Night? by David Deffenbaugh
    • “I Don’t Buy That!” by Gary Colley
  • Sermons:
    • Two Very Different Responses (Acts 24)
    • An Amazing Faith (Luke 7:9)

1-27-2013 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • Dig A Little Deeper by Denny Wilson
    • Appreciating the Word of God by Sam Wilcut
  • Sermons:
    • Call On The Name Of The Lord (Acts 22:16)
    • 40 Years of Shame

1-20-2013 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • How Do I Love Thee? by Kevin W. Rhodes
    • An Empty House by Tom Moore
    • Proverbs 7:1-3 by Jeremy Sprouse
  • Sermons:
    • Paul’s Example (Acts 20)
    • Strive Lawfully (2 Tim. 2:5)

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