Category: Bulletins

10-15-2017 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • Is Baptism “Because Of” or “For” the Forgiveness of Sins? by Wes McAdams
    • The Sacrifice That Costs Nothing by Stan Mitchell
  • Sermons:
    • Gospel Meeting with Dave Rogers, No Outlines

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10-8-2017 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • “A Gospel Meeting” by Richard Thetford
    • Two Choice, Two Victims, Two Destinations by Tom Wacaster
  • Sermons:
    • What Then Shall I Do With Jesus Who Is Called Christ? (Matthew 27:22)
    • Timothy’s Faithfulness and God’s Word (2 Timothy 3:10-17)

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10-1-2017 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • Humble Beginnings by Hugh Fulford
    • Don’t Just Take The Bible Literally by Ben Giselbach
  • Sermons:
    • Jesus is Coming Again
    • Warning of Dangerous Times to Come (2 Timothy 3:1-9)

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9-24-2017 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • Daily Renewal by Jon Galloway
    • Nashville Statement on Sexuality: A Loving Appeal to Truth by Kyle Butt
  • Sermons:
    • Jesus, Our High Priest (Hebrews 4:14-16)
    • Some Duties of a Faithful Gospel Preacher (4) (2 Timothy 2:20-26

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9-7-2017 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • I Can Do All Things – Philippians 4:13 by Rob L. Whitacre
    • Are You Pulling My Leg (Off)? by Rick Kelley
  • Sermons:
    • The Ascension of Christ – Acts 1:9-11
    • Some Duties of a Faithful Gospel Preacher (3) – 2 Timothy 2:14-19

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09/10/2017 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • Burning in Our Hearts by Stan Mitchell
    • Forty Things We All Need to Know About the Holy Spirit by Hugh Fulford
  • Sermons:
    • The Great Commission – Matthew 28:18-20
    • Some Duties of a Faithful Gospel Preacher, Part 2 – 2 Timothy 2:8-13

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09/03/2017 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • Christ’s Resurrection by Mark McWhorter
    • Have We Lost Sight of the Primary Mission of the Church? by Wes McAdams
  • Sermons:
    • The Resurrection of Jesus – Its Significance – Matthew 28:1-10
    • Some Duties of a Faithful Gospel Preacher – 2 Timothy 2:1-7

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08/27/2017 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • Jesus in the Midst! by Mark N. Posey
    • Soul Conscious by Louis Rushmore
    • Jesus Never Had an Obituary by Mark T. Tonkery
  • Sermons:
    • Guest Speakers, No Outlines

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08/20/2017 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • Jesus Died to End Abortion & Racism by Ben Giselbach
    • The Biblical Answer to Racism by Ken Weliever
    • Spilt Blood by Stan Mitchell
  • Sermons:
    • Guest Speakers, No Outlines

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08/13/2017 – Bulletin

In This Issue:

  • Article(s):
    • A Crash Course on God’s Providence by Ben Giselbach
    • Forty Things We All Need To Know About Christ by Hugh Fulford
  • Sermons:
    • The Resurrection of Jesus – Matthew 28:1-10 – Its Witnesses
    • Hold Fast – 2 Timothy 1:13-18

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