The Epistle of James: An Introduction (3/30/14 PM)

The Epistle of James: An Introduction

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The Epistle of James—An Introduction

  1. Despite the objection of some (such as Martin Luther), James is one of the most practical and needed letters for Christians.
    • He rebukes worldliness and pretense in religion.
    • He denounces social injustices.
    • He challenges Christians to make their lives consistent with their profession of Christianity.
  2. One of the most challenged books in the New Testament.
    • However, it passes every test of authenticity.
    • It is in complete harmony with the teaching of Jesus and the apostles.
  3. It is pretty much universally agreed that the writer is James, the half-brother of Jesus.
  4. He identifies himself as, “a servant (doulos –slave) of God and the Lord Jesus Christ” (1:1)
  5. Of course, the Holy Spirit is the true author of the book.
  6. Written, “to the twelve tribes of the Dispersion” (1:1)
    • Those Jews scattered through the Roman Empire due to persecution (Acts 8:1f; 12:1f).
    • “diaspora” – scattered seed.
  7. Date: One of the earliest books of the New Testament.
    • Around 45-48 AD.
    • Written to Jewish Christians, at about the time the gospel first went to the Gentiles.
  8. Purpose:
    • Understand the purpose of trials in the Christian’s life.
    • To become “perfect” men—mature Christians
  9. Theme: The Practice of True Religion.