Studies in Luke: The Good Samaritan (3/30/14 AM)

Studies In Luke: The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

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Studies in Luke—The Good Samaritan—10:25-37

  1. “Jesus’ Ministry in Perea” (9:51-19:28)
    • The focus shifts from Jesus’ signs and wonders, to His teaching.
    • You will notice many more words in red (red letter edition).
    • Many parables recorded in this section.
  2. The Samaritans were hated by the Jews, and visa versa.
    • Jesus sent messengers to a village of the Samaritans to prepare for His coming, but they refused to receive Him (9:52,53).
    • The animosity between the two groups dates all the way back to the Assyrian captivity and King Shalmanezer repopulating Is-rael with foreigners (2 Kings 17)
  3. The character of lawyer.
    • His question was never honest. His desire was to “put (Jesus) to the test” (10:25).
    • Having looked foolish in the first exchange (10:25-28), “desiring to justify himself, said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” (10:29).
  4. The parable, “The Good Samaritan”
    • A certain man fell among robbers and was left for dead (his nationality or identity is not given).
    • Two of Israel’s elite, a priest and a Levite, see him, but offer no assistance.
    • A Samaritan sees him and cares for his every need.
    • Jesus asks, “Which of these three, do you think, proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?” (10:36).
    • The answer was obvious, “The one who showed him mercy.”
  5. What kind of neighbor am I?
  6. How well do I practice my religion?