Preparing The Way (3/2/14 AM)

Studies In Luke: Preparing The Way (3:1-22)

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Studies in Luke—Preparing the Way—3:1-22

  1. In Ch. 1 we learned of John’s birth and purpose
    • A miraculous birth, as “Elizabeth was barren, and both were advanced in years” (1:6)
    • His task—”to make ready for the Lord a people pre-pared” (1:17)
  2. Note the following facts about John’s ministry from Chapter 3
    • The Sitting
      • Historical Sitting (1,2)
      • Geographical Sitting (3)
      • Theological Sitting (4-6)
    • John’s boldness as a preacher (7-14)
    • Was John the Christ? (15-17)
    • John’s purpose for preaching
      • To baptize people for the forgiveness of sins (3)
      • To prepare the way of the Lord
      • To fill the valleys
      • To level the mountains and hills
      • To straighten the crooked
      • To smooth the rough
    • To identify the Christ
      • Note the testimony of Chapters 1&2
      • Note the testimony at Jesus’ baptism (21,22)
  3. John played a very important role in Jesus’ ministry
  4. Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, among those born of women there has arisen no one greater than John the Baptist. Yet the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater that he” (Matt. 11:11)
  5. Are you one of the “greater”? Are you a part of the “kingdom”?