Studies in Luke: The Birth of Jesus (2/23/14 AM)

Studies in Luke: The Birth of Jesus (Luke 1-2)

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Studies in Luke—The Birth of Jesus—Chapters 1&2

  1. The center of attention of all four gospel accounts is the nature and character of Jesus.
    • Their purpose—”that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God” & “by believing you may have life in his name” (Jn. 20:30,31)
    • Luke’s purpose—”that you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught” (1:1-4)
    • They are not biographies—they focus only on what is necessary to fulfill their purpose
    • Luke is the first volume of a two volume set (w/ Acts)
  2. In these two chapters we read of:
    • Gabriel’s announcement of John’s birth (1:5-25)
    • Gabriel’s announcement of Jesus’ birth (1:26-38)
    • Mary’s visit to Elizabeth (1:39-56)
    • The birth of John (1:57-80)
    • The birth of Jesus (2:1-7)
    • Birth announcement to some shepherds in a field (2:8-20)
    • Jesus’ circumcision (2:21)
    • Jesus presented at the temple, according to the Law (2:22-38)
    • Jesus’ visit to the temple at age twelve (2:41-52)
  3. Note the following themes:
    • The fear that characterized each divine announcement
    • The birth of Christ was an occasion for great joy, hope, expec-tation, fulfillment and salvation
  4. Sadly, this joy, hope and salvation stand in stark contrast to “the rest of the story”—the tragic rejection of Jesus by Israel in general
  5. Is your relationship to Christ a story of salvation, or of tragedy?