What Is Worship? (2/16/14 AM)

What Is Worship?

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What Is Worship?

  1. “Worship” Defined by New Testament Vocabulary
    • Proskuneo
      • “To kiss”
      • “The custom of prostrating oneself before a person and kiss-ing his feet, the hem of his garment, the ground, etc.” (Bauer)
    • Sebomai
      • Root “seb” – “to step back from someone or something, to maintain a distance”
      • “Denotes religious veneration, including acts of wor-ship” (Chadwell)
    • Latreuo—To “serve” – used “only of the carrying out of reli-gious duties, esp. of a cultic (religious) nature, by human beings” (Bauer)
  2. “Worship” Defined by Implications of its NT Vocabulary
    • Proskuneo reveals that worship involves humility on the part of the worshiper.
    • Sebomai reveals that worship involves an attitude of reverence and respect.
    • Latreuo reveals that worship involves service rendered to God.
    • Worship is something done intentionally.
    • “An act or series of religious acts characterized by a feeling of reverence and love. These acts are addressed to God (thus they involve purpose and intent to worship God)” (Spearman)
  3. “Worship” Defined by its NT Practice
    • Worshipping God acceptably involves the proper attitude, au-thority and actions (“in spirit and truth” – Jn. 4:24)
    • Worshipping God acceptably is not a form of entertainment.