Unleashing God’s Word In Your Life, Part 9 (2/9/14 PM)



Unleashing God’s Word In Your Life: Putting It All Together, Part 9

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Unleashing God’s Word In Your Life

Lesson 9—Putting It All Together

  • The interpretation and application of Scripture is crucial to life decisions.
  • The importance of “cutting it straight”
    • Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing (lit. “cutting it straight”) the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15)
    • Hermeneutics—the science of Bible interpretation.
    • To escape faulty hermeneutics, avoid these basic errors:
      • Making a point at the price of proper interpretation.
      • Spiritualizing, or allegorizing, Scripture.
  • Putting it all together inductively.
    • Step One—Observation.
      • As you read, observe what is being said and take notes.
      • Who? What? When? How? Where?
    • Step Two—Interpretation.
      • Do your own work before consulting others.
      • Underline key words and phrases and define them in terms of the context.
      • Paraphrase each verse or section.
      • List the divine truths and principles.
      • Cross reference.
    • Step Three—Evaluation
      • Compare your conclusions with commentators and other scholars—don’t assume you are wrong and they are right.
    • Step Four—Application
      • What changes does this demand I make in my life?