Why Study Doctrine?
Why Study Doctrine?
- Is doctrine really important?
- Should we just “agree to disagree,” lay our differences aside, and openly fellowship other religious groups?
- What does the Bible say about doctrine?
- There is absolute truth and we can know it.
- Jesus declared that people can know the truth (Jn. 8:32).
- Jesus declared that the words which He spoke were truth.
- Truth is of God and He has revealed it to man.
- God requires that man learn His truth.
- Knowing the truth is essential to salvation.
- Knowing the doctrine is essential to maturing in the faith.
- Those who follow Christ must be willing to learn.
- God’s truth must mold man’s character and conduct.
- The word is only of value if we live it (James 1:21-25).
- Doctrine limits what we can do, say or believe.
- Doctrine limits who we can fellowship.
- Some of Paul’s last words to Timothy (2 Tim. 4:1-4)
- God instructs that His people be unwavering in doctrine.
- The doctrine that we are given is complete, we need no more (2 Peter 1:3).
- The doctrine which was once delivered must be taught and defended.
- Yes, it is important to study the doctrines of the Bible, be-cause it is only in obedience to God’s teaching that one can be saved!
“You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free”