Unprofitable and Useless Servants (1/19/14 AM)

Unprofitable and Useless Servants (Titus 1:15, 16)

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Unprofitable and Useless Servants
Text: Titus 1:15,16

  1. Have you ever wondered how God views you as His servant?
    • Not all servants are viewed the same—some will be honor, while others will be cast out.
    • What can we learn from Paul’s words to Titus?
  2. Godly elders are necessary to regulate the conduct of members of the congregation (vs. 5-9)
  3. The heart that is not transformed is filled with evil.
    • Becoming a Christian requires a change from the inside out. (Rom. 12:2; 2 Cor. 5:17)
    • Without Christ in one’s heart, the world totally corrupts his heart. (Jer. 17:9)
  4. Unconverted people in the church do great harm to the cause of Christ.
    • Most congregations have some members who have not truly become disciples of Christ.
  5. Those unconverted church members who live like the devil hurt God’s church.
  6. Those Christians who live like people in the world are not acceptable to God.
    • What a horrible thing to have God view a person as “abominable” (v. 16).
    • God considers those Christians who live like people in the world as “unprofitable.”
  7. Are you a profitable and useful servant for the Lord?