Unleashing God’s Word In Your Life, Part 4 (1/12/14 PM)

Unleashing God’s Word In Your Life, Part 4: The Word on the Word

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Unleashing God’s Word In Your Life

Lesson 4—The Word on the Word

  1. Imagine the Bible is on trial for claiming to be something it is not, God’s Word, and you are the counsel for the defense.
    • What witnesses could you call to testify to the truthfulness of the Bible?
  2. The Bible writers—several thousand times these men claimed to be writing the Word of God.
    • They made no apologies for what they said or wrote—instead, they spoke with an air of authority.
      • They wrote of things no one of their time could have known.
      • The only reasonable source of the information was out-side of themselves.
    • They constantly claimed to be speaking for God, and veri-fied that outer Bible writers spoke for God as well.
      • OT writers referred to their writings as God’s Word 3,808 times.
      • NT writers quoted the OT at least 320 times, and called the OT “Scripture.”
      • Acts and the Epistles also bear witness to this claim.
  3. We can also call Jesus Christ as witness.
    • He believed every word of the OT.
    • A full 10% of the verses in the NT recording Jesus’ own words, are Him quoting from the OT.
  4. The only possible verdict is that the Scriptures are indeed God’s inspired Word.