Who Will Be In Heaven (1/5/14 AM)

Who Will Be In Heaven?

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Who Will Be In Heaven?

Heaven is a place where God will be with His people (Rev 21:3)

  1. Only a few will be in heaven
    • This is clearly taught in Scripture (Mt 7:13,14; 1 Peter 3:20,21)
    • Examples: Israel (only Joshua and Caleb); Parable of the Sower (only one of four)
  2. Only those who love the Truth
    • Truth is a treasure we must seek out, obtain, and guard at all costs (Ps 119:11,72; Mt 6:19-21)
    • We need truth to expose Satan’s traps (Ps 119:105; 2 Peter 1:3,4)
    • We must take every effort to learn the truth (2 Tim 2:15)
  3. Only those who seek It first
    • There are many things we need in this life, and many more that we want
    • We are promised the things we need, if we seek first the proper things (Mt 6:30-34)
    • The spiritual is far more important than the physical (2 Peter 3:10; Mt 13:44-46)
  4. Only those who endure
    • Satan does not give up easily!
    • Only those who endure are promised heaven (1 Thess 4:13-16; James 1:12; 1 Cor 9:24-27; Rev 14:13)

Are you one of the “few” who will enter heaven, or one of the “many” who will not?