Unleashing God’s Word In Your Life, Part 4 (1/5/14 PM)

Unleashing God’s Word In Your Life (Part 4): A Word You Can Count On

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Unleashing God’s Word In Your Life

Lesson 4—A Word You Can Count On

  1. People view the Bible differently
    • “The Bible? It’s just another book.”
    • “The Bible? It’s important—but I don’t read it.”
    • “The Bible? It’s the only book for man”
  2. God’s Word Is Infallible
    • “Perfect” (Ps 19:7; 119:160)
    • Flawless—because it was authored by a God who is flaw-less
  3. God’s Word Is Inerrant
    • Infallible in its totality; Inerrant in all its parts (Pr 30:5)
    • Inerrancy and infallibility go hand in hand
    • “Truthfulness” (Isa 65:16; Jer 10:10; Jn 3:33; 17:3; 1 Jn 5:20); from God who cannot lie (Num 23:19; Titus 1:2; Heb 6:18)
    • Man has tried diligently to find fault with the Bible, but have never found even one legitimate fault
    • The Bible is God’s Word and God is a God of Truth
  4. God’s Word Is Authoritative
    • The final word—the highest standard of authority
    • Many refuse to recognize the authority of the Bible, choosing instead to place themselves as the authority
  5. God’s Word Is Effective
    • One of the most powerful claims to the Bible’s infallibility, inerrancy, and authority is its effectiveness
    • God’s Word will do what it says it will do!