Unleashing God’s Word In Your Life, Part 2 (12/22/13 PM)

Unleashing God’s Word In Your Life, Part 2: About the Author

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Unleashing God’s Word In Your Life
Lesson 2—About the Author

  1. God is the author of what Scripture records; the Bible is the very Word of God.
    • Revelation = the message.
    • Inspiration = the primary method of delivering that message to mankind.
  2. What inspiration is not:
    • A high level of human achievement.
    • Limited to the thoughts of the writers.
    • The act of God on the reader.
    • Mechanical dictation.
  3. The elements of inspiration.
    • “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God” (2 Tim 3:16).
    • “God-breathed” – theopneustos = God + breath.
    • “All” – pasa = every.
    • “Scripture” – graphe = writing.
    • Inspiration is God’s revelation communicated to us through writers who used their own minds—plenary verbal inspiration.
  4. The results of inspiration.
    • The Bible is infallible, inerrant, complete, authoritative, sufficient, and effective.

“He who is of God hears God’s words; therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God” (Jn 8:47)