Nathan’s Rebuke (12/22/13 AM)

Nathan’s Rebuke (2 Sam. 12:1-15)

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Nathan’s Rebuke
Text: 2 Samuel 12:1-15

  1. We are often blind to our own faults
    • David could easily see the sin in the man of Nathan’s story (5,6), but not in himself (7).
    • It is often easier for us to see the “mote” in another’s eye, than to see the “beam” in our own eye.
    • Because we are often blind to our own faults, we need friends like Nathan, and attitudes like David.
  2. The best way to bring about repentance.
    • Appeal to God’s love (7,8, Rom 2:4; Acts 10:34-36,42,43).
    • Reveal the sin (9).
    • Warn of the consequences (10-12).
  3. The proper attitude in repentance.
    • David provides the proper example (13).
    • Much repentance today falls short in this regard.
  4. The pardon provided by God.
    • The example of David’s forgiveness (13).
      • Immediate and complete—when the proper conditions are met.
    • God’s pardon is similar today.
  5. Consequences of sin often follow despite pardon.
    • David learned this from Nathan (10-12,14).
    • The same is often true today.
  6. May we be wise enough to heed the counsel of “Nathan’s Rebuke.”