Finally Brethren (11/24/13 AM)


Finally, Brethren (2 Thessalonians 3)

Paul has comforted them in the knowledge of Christ’s return and closes with instructions to live faithfully.

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Finally, Brethren (2 Thessalonians 3)

Paul has comforted them in the knowledge of Christ’s return and closes with instructions to live faithfully, continuing in:

  1. Prayer (v1-2) – Continues to show his dependence on God and his desire for the work of the Lord to prosper.
  2. Patience (v3-5) – God can always be trusted; and so continue with faithful endurance.
  3. Practice (6-15) – Need to watch our conduct, walking as we ought and not growing weary in well doing.
  4. Peace (v16-18) – His prayer is for blessings on the children of God that would continue with Him.