A Psalm of Life (10/6/13 PM)

A Psalm of Life (Psalm 71)

This is a beautiful psalm of one who recognizes his dependency on God throughout life, and now as an aged person, still trusts in Him. His prayer is that God would continue to be with him and that he would both praise God and proclaim Him to future generations. Is such our desire?

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A Psalm of Life (Psalm 71)

This is a beautiful psalm of one who recognizes his dependency on God throughout life, and now as an aged person, still trusts in Him. His prayer is that God would continue to be with him and that he would both praise God and proclaim Him to future generations. Is such our desire?

  1. Birth (v6) — From a very early age he learned to lean on God. We must remember the need to teach our children about God and is will from the time they are born (cf. Deut. 6:6-9; Eph. 6:4; 2 Tim. 3:15).
  2. Youth (v5, 17) — In his youth, the psalmist made God his hope and trust. We should not waste the time of our youth in which we have energy, zeal, and opportunity to serve God (Eccl. 11:9-12:7, 13; Eph. 5:15-17; Matt. 24:42).
  3. Old Age (v9, 18) — Now aged, the psalmist still has much to offer; there is a still a work to do as he continues proclaiming God’s will to younger generations. Notice that his life has blessed him with much knowledge and experience that he will now use in proclaiming the news concerning God (v8, 15, 16, 17, 18, 24). What benefit will our life and wisdom be (1 Tim. 4:12-16; 2 Cor. 1:3-4)?