True Communion (5/19/13 AM)

True Communion (1 Cor. 11:17-34)

In writing to the brethren at Corinth, Paul has much to say about unity (both with God and man) and the means by which to restore it (returning to the true standard, 1:10). In chapter 11, he turns his attention to things lacking concerning the Lord’s Supper.

True Communion (1 Cor. 11:17-34)

In writing to the brethren at Corinth, Paul has much to say about unity (both with God and man) and the means by which to restore it (returning to the true standard, 1:10). In chapter 11, he turns his attention to things lacking concerning the Lord’s Supper which should have been a time of:

  1. Unifying (v17-22)
    • This should have been a time of coming together, but even in this they were not united.
    • Earlier in teaching against idolatry, Paul reminded them that this communion brings us together (10:16-17).
    • Christ is not divided (1:13) and neither is His body (12:12); they needed to remember the fellowship they had in God (1 Jn 1:3, 7), not highlight their differences.
  2. Remembering (v23-26)
    • Not only were they not thinking of one another but it seems they were not thinking about the purpose of their actions—to commemorate the sacrifice of Christ.
    • This was not something to be taken lightly; they needed to discern (know/see/distinguish) His body and show His death—to remember what had been done for them (Jn 10:11, 18; Matt. 26:26-30, 39, 42).
  3. Examining (v27-32)
    • One also should look inwardly, remembering it was for each individual that He died.
    • His sacrifice should cause humility, examination, and needed alteration of our lives (2 Cor 13:5; Heb 12:11).